Ecological garden helps to develop rural tourism in Wuqiang, China

Photo shows the view of an ecological garden in Wuqiang County, Hebei Province, north China. Wuqiang County of north China’s Hebei Province has developed the planting of vegetables and fruits and rural tourism as well since it adjusted the agricultural production structure years ago. It attracts numerous tourists to visit and pick vegetables and fruits.

Women pick strawberries in a greenhouse of the Jubao Planting Cooperative in Wuqiang County, Hebei Province, north China. Wuqiang County of north China’s Hebei Province has developed the planting of vegetables and fruits and rural tourism as well since it adjusted the agricultural production structure years ago. It attracts numerous tourists to visit and pick vegetables and fruits.

A woman shows the vegetable picked in an ecological garden in Wuqiang County, Hebei Province, north China. Wuqiang County of north China’s Hebei Province has developed the planting of vegetables and fruits and rural tourism as well since it adjusted the agricultural production structure years ago. It attracts numerous tourists to visit and pick vegetables and fruits.

Ecological garden helps to develop rural tourism in Wuqiang, China

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