
Moldova is a small country located between Romania and Ukraine. Tourists can easily find local authenticity, warm meetings and welcoming people in the villages of Moldova. The traditional natural products and house wine often surprises guests taste. Moldova is full of vineyards and tourists can be directly involved in the wine making process and even dance with local people on Moldova National Wine Day which is held every year in October. You can not consider community-based tourism in Moldova without considering wine-related activities.

Moldova Organizations

Ok travel Moldova

Ok Travel

Wine tours Moldova

Wine Tours

  • Moldova-community-Tourism
  • Moldova Community tourism
  • Moldova-rural-tourism
  • Moldova rural tourism
  • Moldova-Ecotourism
  • moldova
  • moldova
  • moldova
  • moldova
  • moldova
  • moldova

Moldova's climate is temperate continental with the four seasons of the year are clearly defined. It has mild short winters and long hot summers with a lot of sunny days. The atmospheric air circulation is characterized by the prevalence of the western warm and sometimes very humid air masses from the Atlantic..

Occasionally, air masses from other regions come to Moldova as well, such as the warm and humid air from the Mediterranean. This brings with it abundant rainfall. The dry temperate continental air from the Eastern and South-Eastern parts of the Eastern European Plain causes drought and the cold Arctic air causing dramatic weather changes. There are 2060?2360 hours of sunshine per year in Moldova; temperatures above freezing are registered 160-200 days per year; and precipitation ranges between 370 and 560 mm/year and more than 10% falls as snow, which can melt several times during winter.

Tourism Agency of the Republic of Moldova